8139405355: All you need to know

8139405355 Scam Phone Number

The phone number 8139405355 has been reported as a forgery. Phone numbers identical to legitimate corporate numbers, such as 8139405355, are occasionally used by scammers to trick people into responding. When you take a phone call from a scammer, they may try to sell you something, collect personal information from you, or even threaten you.

If you receive a call from 8139405355, do not answer it. If you do answer the phone, hang up as soon as possible. Do not give the caller any personal information, such as your name, address, Social Security number, or credit card number.

Here are some tips to help you prevent phone scams:

  • Unknown number calls should not be answered. If you do answer the phone, hang up immediately if the caller asks for personal information or tries to sell you something.
  • Be wary of calls that appear to come from trustworthy businesses. Scammers frequently use phone numbers that look close to legitimate corporate numbers to trick consumers into responding.
  • Calls from numbers that leave voicemails should not be returned. Scammers frequently leave voicemails pleading with you to call them again, but these calls are frequently fraudulent.
  • If you are unsure whether a call is a hoax, hang up and contact the corporation or organization that the caller claims to be from right away.

Please register a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at ftc.gov/complaint if you have been a victim of a phone scam. You can also report the fraud to your state’s attorney general’s office.

Some other tips for preventing phone scams

  • Sign up for the National Do Not Call Registry with your phone number. This will reduce the number of cold calls you receive.
  • Use a call-blocking tool to prevent calls from known fraudsters.
  • Use caution when posting information online. Based on the information you provide online, scammers may target you with scams.
  • Be cautious of any unexpected phone call, even if it appears to be from a legitimate company. If you are unsure whether a call is a hoax, hang up and contact the corporation or organization that the caller claims to be from right away.

8139405355 has been linked to a number of scams

IRS impersonation scams: Scammers call people purporting to be from the IRS and threaten them with arrest or deportation if they do not pay back taxes or fines. The IRS will never contact you out of the blue to terrify you. If you receive a call purporting to be from the IRS, hang up and dial 1-800-829-1040.

Scammers call consumers and pretend to be from a well-known IT company, such as Microsoft or Apple, informing them that their computer has a virus. They then try to persuade the person to pay for a tech support subscription or give them remote access to their machine. True tech support companies would never unexpectedly phone you and demand money or remote access to your equipment. If you receive a call from a tech support company, hang up and contact the company directly.

Scammers call people and pretend to be their grandchildren, claiming they have been in an accident or have been arrested and need money. The fraudsters will next try to convince the victim to transfer their money or furnish them with their credit card information. True grandchildren will never approach their grandparents and request money out of the blue. If you receive a call claiming to be from your grandchild, hang up and contact him or her immediately.

If you received a call from 8139405355, you should contact the Federal Trade Commission and your state attorney general’s office. You can also report the fraud to the scammer’s phone provider.




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